

capC-MAP requires a C++ compiler and Python; also the following software should be installed and visible on the system path:

  • cutadapt (>=1.11)
  • bowtie (>=1.1.1 - note that capC-MAP is not compatible with bowtie2)
  • samtools (>=1.3.1)

and the following python packages should be installed:

  • BioPython

Version numbers are those which have been tested, and other versions may also work.


There are several ways to install capC-MAP. One of the easiest is if the bioconda/conda packaging system is available on your system (see for details on how to get it). In this case capC-MAP and all of its requirements can be installed with the single command.

conda install capc-map

If you do not have conda on your system, you will need to install the requirements listed above separately. Then install capC-MAP perform the following steps:

  1. Download the software and unzip into a directory in your home directory. Or clone from git using the command:

    git clone
  2. capC-MAP consists of a set of programs written in C++ and a Python package, which both need to be installed on your system. If you have root privileges on your system you can compile and install the C++ programs by running the following commands in the capC-MAP root directory

    make install

    and you can install the Python package using pip with the command

    pip install .

    when in the capC-MAP package directory.

    Alternatively, if you do not have root privileges, you can install a local copy of capC-MAP in your home directory using, for example, the commands

    ./configure --prefix=${HOME}/.local/
    make install


    pip install --user .

    If you do not have pip available on your system you can instead install the python package using the command

    python install

    or without root privileges

    python install --user
  3. If you have installed capC-MAP in your home directory, you will need to ensure the binaries directory is present on the system PATH. For example, by adding the following line to your ~/.bashrc file

    export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin